Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wednesday Morning Convo with a Co-Worker

i do very little at my job, but rarely do i get called out for it. however this morning i was singed with a pretty good burn by a clever chap in the IT department. to paint the scene for you, I'm slightly hungover due to 2-for-1 drinks from last night (tuesday is the new friday), I'm playing nada surf at a rather obnoxious volume and eating a candy cane, so i look like a total prick.
me- tom! where'd you get that coffee mug with the company logo on it?
tom- its a secret.
me- horseshit! i drink more coffee in this place than anyone, i deserve a coffee mug.
tom- evan, the day i find out what you actually do around here ill get you your own mug. (burn!)me- tom, the day i find out why you think old spice is a flattering scent on you ill let you know of my work duties (burn!)
it wasn't the greatest of comebacks, but you should of seen the look on his face. he's probably been wearing old spice since the nixon administration, i gave him something to really think about. and,
the word of the day is: "booger hooks"in reference to ones hands, refer to your hands as booger hooks, because that's what they actually are. a crude tool used for exhuming mucus and filth from your nostrils.

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